Thursday, April 18, 2013

The almond tree finally got planted in late March after a lengthy root detangling session (almost more roots than soil)! The next morning it looked so much happier, it seemed to have leafed out overnight with several almond fruits already visible. 

Everywhere new leaves and new life show themselves. A dove has been trying to build a nest in the lamp bowl of the patio fan, so we are keeping the fan blades turning to dissuade our avian visitor.    Wildflowers are showing up in abundance. The apricot mallows hug the walls outside the back yard, they love the reflected sun warmth and the small amount of drip moisture that seeps under the wall. 

Desert Mallow

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Vernal wonder

Creosote Blooms

Over Holy Week, the weather has been mild, about 70-80's, great for gardening. The wildflowers around my home have been increasingly joyful.
The creosote has now burst into tiny bright yellow blossoms, and when you take some leaves and crush them between your fingers, you get the scent of fresh desert rain. The wonder of spring bursting out is experienced anew each year. The plants that the winter frost turned into dry sticks put out new verdant growth, as exuberant as if they had waiting and waiting for a start signal. In their own ways the leaves and petals burst out from the buds, and seem to race one another in their eagerness to face the sun and the rowdy breezes.